I have been a blogging slacker. Life has been very busy since we got back from vacation. I haven't made any new jewelry, I haven't even sat down at my beading desk this week.
Apparently it was very hot while we were away and our yard was fried and sporting some new weeds. So I have been watering like crazy, mowing, and planting a few flowers in my flower pots. Anyways since I
haven't been to thrilled with the yard work etc. I will share a few photos of our adventures while on vacation. Oh I would really like to thank Colin's mom for washing his clothes before we flew back to WA. You saved me a ton of work!

My sister Cheryl and Gunther on the way to KS.

Colin's cousin Heath with a bass he caught out at one of their grandpa's ponds.

The other fish that wasn't thrown back in the pond didn't fare to well. Cameron and Vance (Colin's brother and cousin) didn't like the fish flopping around and decapitated it. This created an issue while they were trying to fillet it. So here is Cameron, Colin, and Vance making a mess.

The start of our scooter club. Featuring Micheal (Colin's cousin) doing tricks. We had five of these and had a blast riding around town and out in the country.

Poor Cheryl ran out of gas, this was the third misfortune she had. First the line ran out of her fishing pole when she caught a fish. Second she got smore/marshmallow all over her glasses, face and hair. Third is this photo where she ran out of gas. Sad thing is before the day ended she also lost the muffler on her scooter. Its a good thing she had so much fun.

After Cheryl and I left Colin's parents we drove down to Manhattan (Kansas State, since Cheryl needed to sign her lease for grad school) and we had lunch with Colin's younger sister Lindsay. Then we traveled to Topeka to see Colin's older sister Erin and her husband Mark's new house. This is Shane and our nephew Talon. Shane by the way is one of Colin's best friends that was very disappointed that Colin was not with us.
Erin and Talon :)

Then Cheryl and I headed to Blue Springs, MO (which is just east of Kansas City) to try on bridesmaid dresses for my friend Joyce's wedding. This is Jennifer (Joyce's sister and I in the dress Joyce picked. We will be wearing Horizon Blue, which is on the left.

After spending 2 days in MO we headed back to Manhattan to have lunch with a friend of Cheryl's and then stopped in Junction City where our great grandparents lived. We had to pick up an orange for
Gramp's and some flowers for Nana. Sorry Dad, Cheryl and I couldn't find any peanuts for
Gramp's to feed the
squirrels. This is Cheryl by the way, wearing a K-State t-shirt of course.

And here I am. I know creepy, we are taking photos in the
cemetery. We have always done this, our mom for some odd reason likes to stop on road trips and look at old headstones. She does leave flowers by the way, so not super creepy.

Talon and myself. He looks super cute in the vest and tie his grandma Jenifer made him to match his mommy's bridesmaid dress.

Colin holding Talon, and Talon didn't even cry. Poor Colin always makes kids cry. I think its the faces he makes to try and make them laugh. Poor Colin! Thanks Talon, he would have felt awful if he made you cry!
I ran out of battery so I didn't take any more pictures. :( We had to drive back to Denver the next day and fly home. Which almost didn't happen as Frontier was throwing a fit about the dog needing more paperwork. I felt bad but was a little mad and voiced my opinion and we had them get a manager. If they had no problem letting us fly into Denver what was the problem now? Either way we got it fixed and got home. I don't want to deal with flying the dog again but Gunther took it like a champ.
P.S.-We are going camping and fishing this weekend at Saint Joe River in Idaho so I will be blogging slacker again. This may be a new trend this summer I fear.