I really wanted to share photos from our fabulous week of camping but in the process of cleaning I forgot to get the photos from Colin before he left for work. We had a great week enjoying family and the outdoors. Too bad we had to come back to reality. As in reality I really mean the laundry that we created camping.So after cleaning up the majority of our items I have been working on projects that have been floating around my head. Mainly the laundry room, before we went camping I painted the cabinet and Colin added some shelves so it wasn't floating in the middle of the wall. I ran by the thrift store for some items to add to the "Laundry" sign I made. I still need to get a candle and at least one real basket because it kind of looks cheesy. But it still looks better than the floating worn oak cabinet with old brass hardware. It may take me awhile to figure out what to add. Other than painting the water valve box I think I am mostly done in this room :).
I have been collecting plates for a few months planning on hanging them up the vaulted ceiling behind the kitchen cabinets but I kept feeling I would hate it. So of course I changed my mind. I just hung three of them, the bottom red and white cake plate belonged to my mom's grandmother. :) I still have a few heirloom plates that didn't work but I will find them a home. I am glad it just gave the kitchen a little more color and I could tie in the teal chairs a little more. I LOVE them but they are difficult to decorate around.
Hope you have a great week. My plans are super exciting I tell you....lots of waiting in lines and phone calls to voice recordings sounds about right.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Posted by Kerrie at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Loading of Our Gear
I planned on sharing photos today but I have a mess on my hands instead. I went shopping for our week long camping trip and then unpacked 3 tubs of camp gear. I was just trying to take out what we wont need this trip but all I did was create a mess. How Kerrie like of me. :) I now have all our food type items packed minus the cold ones. Now I just need to get the other staple items ready and pick up my mess in the kitchen.
Yeah for camping! Both of us can't wait! Due to our poor planning I have to drive up to my parents to get a tag for their four wheeler today. I didn't even think about the fact we would need one, and Colin just did Sunday night. Oh well I need to pick up our 1/4 of a steer to fill our freezer up anyways. It has made my grocery shopping budget tight but will save us lots of money on meat the next ? # of months. Yummy!
My Mamo (grandmother) informed me our dogs are old lady dogs yesterday as they stayed with her while I ran errands. Both of them just slept on the couch with her, I need to take them over more often because she definitely is lonely. She really wants her own dog and I know I am not the only one that has told her why that is a really BAD idea. I think my furry friends need to go visit more often, I don't always take them with me but she misses them.
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend!
Posted by Kerrie at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
What a wonderful life!
Yikes this week went fast! We have been staying so busy I am still wondering when it will get old. This weekend we have so far managed to stay home. :) Staying home does not seem to mean you will get more done. Yesterday my sister and I had a garage sale...then Colin and I went out to a concert...stayed up way too late dancing and having fun. That definitely made us drag this morning but Colin is happy since he got to dance and listen to live music that we love. We had a blast!
Saturday has consisted of our usual run to Home Depot, only one weekend since we have moved in have we missed our new tradition. We picked up our lawn mower which wasn't functioning and was still under warranty thankfully getting fixed. Tonight we are joining a few friends, some that we met in Phoenix and some Spokane/here for a bbq.
But the best part of the weekend so far is my new bookkeeping software arrived and so did my supply order for some custom requests. I love mail, especially when it isn't bills. Even better, I got a check for answering questions for a genetic study my sisters and I have participated in since we were kids. Extra money is always appreciated when you don't expect it.
Hope you are having a wonderful busy weekend as well.
Later this week I will share some new photos of our house sans the ugly dead bushes and our new grill....by the way my parents are awesome!
We are looking forward to our next weekend even more though because we will be camping with more family we love and are so glad we get to see. Yeah to summer and "home"!
Posted by Kerrie at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Color is never easy
I love color! Yet I hide from it because I am afraid that I will make our house look like a circus if I give into my cravings.
I have been trying to do all the major items more neutral (paint) so I can throw in accessories like pillows with lots of colors. I can sew, easy cheap color fix. BUT I haven't been able to figure out what fabrics to pick as I like too many. Since I hate to spend a lot of money I don't want to re due it again in the near future.
Tomorrow afternoon my sister is coming as we are having a garage sale and she is going to help me make some decisions. We have a very similar eclectic style and I know if I pick something too wild she will let me know, its nice to have another opinion. I love that Colin pretty much lets me decorate however I want but I can't get him to give me an opinion on anything. Sometimes you just need help! My sister also shops on the cheap and finds awesome pieces for pennies but has a good imagination. So we are making a trip to some stores like Ethan Allen for color ideas and maybe Scandinavian Design because I think she will like it.
Hopefully we are successful as I wanted lots of color in this house because its ours. Right now due to choosing a neutral paint I still feel like we are in a rental just an awesome one without white walls. Sigh...and I thought this process was going to be easy now that I have the opportunity.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 4th!
I thought I would share a nice patriotic photo of our newly painted red door. Of course I forgot to take before photos. The door was worn out from the sun but still is a really good door so Colin's mom and I painted it. So far I REALLY like the change.I haven't gotten many projects done around the new house. Mostly due to working on jewelry. :) Several custom orders and FINALLY getting all of my licenses and paperwork to be legal has consumed my time. Not having my phone all week made me very productive. I also ordered myself Quickbooks. Excel has served me just fine but I have needed a better system for keeping track of my business finances. Hopefully once I get it figured out I can file easier etc. I'm crossing my fingers as tax mumbo jumbo is not my strongest point. I would much rather just make pretty things.
This is one of the reasons I am happiest to be closer to "home" so we can enjoy life with those we love. Well minus the part of my dad in the background with the propane torch. I can't count how many things he has lit on fire and burned down. We were lucky to also have Colin's aunt and cousin stay with us again this week and some good friends from college that Colin grew up with stay last night as well.
Life has been busy in our house but I wouldn't want it any other way. :) Have a Happy 4th of July and enjoy those around you!
Posted by Kerrie at 12:46 PM 1 comments