For some reason today's inspiration was circles. Almost all the pieces I completed or have brewing in my head used some form of them. Here are a few new items.....
I think I need some photo classes, or a class on manipulating light. My photos are never terrible but if you are good at getting the light right your photos can be GORGEOUS! I admire all those that have that skill. It might help if my camera was functioning, it keeps telling me the battery isn't compatible and turns off. Tomorrow I am taking it back as it is only a few months old and Colin being Colin bought insurance on it. This is now the third item that he has bought insurance/extended warranty and I have actually needed it. His tally is at over $1800 right now off the top of my head in savings. Its a good thing I have him around because I never buy extra warranty/insurance. I would just be stuck with a new camera that doesn't work correctly. Thanks Babe!
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