We had a great weekend seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and celebrating Joyce and Scott getting hitched. I thought I would share just a few pics. I cheated and snuck my camera into the chapel while we were getting Joyce into her dress. We weren't allowed to have cameras in there but I didn't want her to miss those moments, I am so glad I did.
The Lovely Bride before the rehearsal.
All of us that braved the heights and rode the rides at the Stratosphere. I hate heights but went anyway, after the first scare it was AWESOME. The view up there is phenomenal!
Allison, Joyce and Aunt Liz
Mindy helping us enjoy the ride to the chapel.
Getting Joyce into her dress, this is where I started breaking the rules with the camera thing....
Joyce in her dress. :) I had to hide my camera after this, no more wedding photos until Joyce gets them :(
Allison, Myself, and Kat after the wedding somehow we lost the other 3 bridesmaids.
Zach and Aaron our new friends that were two of Scott's groomsmen.
The guys having us pose, we were at "happy hour".
Colin REALLY enjoyed happy hour and his cigar. Yuck!
We had so much fun, I will share more photos once we get the legit ones. Congrats to Joyce and Scott! Love you Both!
P.S.-Those lovely earrings on all the bridesmaids were creations of mine, I will share a larger picture later since you can barely see them in my photos.
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