Day 10 is a day of change. I finally made it to the dentist to get my cracked tooth fixed (Don't grind your teeth!) And since it just doesn't seem like Christmas we are finally going to get a tree tonight.
In preparation of finally getting a Christmas tree I decided to make a tree skirt as we have never had one. I am using extra fabric from the stockings I made last year and made two mini stockings for the dogs....yep we got another dog.
He is an early Christmas Present for me and Gunther though Gunther is still slightly iffy on liking the puppy when he crawls in my lap. My lap is Gunther's according to him. Other than that they are playing together which was my hope.
Colin getting kisses from Maximus or Max for short. The vote is still up on that name but we cant keep saying "Hey you".
So far the puppy slept through the night and had no accidents in his crate. He can hold it forever as he ate a full breakfast 30 minutes ago and still doesn't want to go outside. This I think will be a different training process than Gunther. Gunther also learned tricks/rules in less than a day, part of me hopes he is that smart and part of me hopes he isn't.
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