So first off I want to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful mother in law. I know lots of people that have issues with theirs but I couldn't have asked for a better one. And no I am not just saying that, she is pretty cool. :)
This is a busy weekend for us. Colin is working on a project for me that I have been begging him to do for over a year. It involves our poor old oak entertainment center he made years ago. Since it doesn't fit our new flat screen TV I had to find a use for it. Colin needless to say wouldn't get rid of it and wouldn't let me change it. I finally talked him into it and he added a back and is putting the doors that have always lived in one closet or another. Yeah! My own craft wardrobe to hide a small portion of my beads and packing supplies. Of course I forgot to take a picture before he started. So here is a preview of my new ribbon hanger and one door taped on for looks. I am debating painting it white in the future since it has some dings from moving ? # of times (8 that I know of). That wont happen until after this next move. After the move I will also be adding cork board panels in the doors covered in a fun fabric to use as a bulletin board.

Enough about my silly cabinet and on to the good news. :)
Colin emailed his head boss (the one in Denver not here in Spokane) Friday just asking if he would like us to give notice when we pay rent this month. We need a minimum of 30 days notice for our landlady. He said yes and that they should need Colin back in Denver around the middle to end of April. Double yeah! That means we should have time to get in on the first time home buyer credit. We should get written confirmation Monday or Tuesday so we can get planning. Without confirmation I cant do any scheduling. :( So today I am packing up my beads because I don't want the movers doing it and clearing out junk to get ready. We called my Uncle in Denver this morning to talk about dates we can come and look for houses. I am so excited that we will be out of the limbo our lives have been in the last few weeks/months.
Yeah for spring! Oh and if we have a house I might actually be able to plant a real garden this year! I feel like jumping up and down I am so excited!
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