Thought I would say a quick hello. HELLO! Life has been finally calming down since our move. Very busy but very good. Good as in I am still waking up each morning amazed that we are staying in one place and bought a house. It is an amazing feeling, sad though that we have moved so much that I am still this amazed. I have been tying up loose ends like finding a new vet, dog tags, car plates, new business license....etc. We are getting there! Yeah!

Thought I would finally share a picture of us and part of our new house. Courtesy of my dads phone as my stupid camera is not working again. Thankfully my mom loaned me hers until mine comes back from being repaired AGAIN. I am never going to argue with Colin about purchasing extended warranty's again, every time he buys them we need it.
I am catching up on some custom orders, new business licenses, and organizing my work space. New items should be coming soon. A few of my newer items didn't make it up online as I donated them to Lucky Joe's Sidewalk Saloon's charity golf tournament to raise money. Yeah for helping out an at risk youth center in Ft. Collins Colorado!
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