Oh the weather outside is NASTY! We woke up to ice covering everything, so sad after the last two days being almost 60 outside. :(
Back Yard through the Kitchen Window |
So I am sitting inside enjoying a cup of decaf coffee mixed with hot chocolate. Two things I shouldn't be drinking, I have kept these delicious treats down to once a week. Avoiding things you love just makes you want them more. Last week Colin felt bad for me and ordered a HUGE coke to share, I should mention he never orders any soda etc. if we go out. It's the little things that make you feel loved.
Before of Headlight on Colin's 4-Wheeler |
I had to share what we were up to this weekend!
With a picture show!
After picture of 4-Wheeler Headlight |
Taxes...Yuck we aren't done yet due to my business. :( |
New Shelf under stairs to store my paint. |
We did LOTS of other little projects and I sold a few unneeded items from out last few years of being a nomad and a gypsy on Craigslist. Colin borrowed/stole my heat gun (I don't think he is giving it back) to work on his 4-wheeler. That simple little tool made the plastic on his 4-wheeler look almost new. Slowly he is getting it rebuilt and I think it is actually going to turn out nice. My only part is recovering the seat. Yeah to turning old worn out things into things you love. I also decided to clean my windows this weekend, all our windows have the ability to flip in so you can clean the inside and outside. It took me about 45 minutes to do the WHOLE house. Washing windows growing up took over 2 days with extra people helping. I am officially in love with the windows on our house. :)
Hope you have a warmer week than me!
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