So I went a little crazy yesterday...
I was planning on just going into Bed Bath and Beyond for some cream colored curtains for my family room. Of course I stopped by World Market as it is right next door and usually in first place for my favorite decorating store. These are some of the things that came home with me.
Kitchen Chair cushions $6.38 each :) |
This bird print, he pulls the colors from around the room in. I have a thing for birds lately...I also got the frame for under $5 on clearance. |
Aqua/teal and red pillows. I wish the true color of the aqua photographed better. |
Pre-made store front that you can draw on for our nephew. I figured there will be gifts for the new baby and the soon be be older brother loves boxes. We can draw on this one to keep him busy. :) And yes I know a plain box would be just as good but as I am not buying appliances I don't have any. :( |
The dining room with the outline of where the snazzy new rug will be going. What do you think of the new light my awesome parents helped me with?
I also made a quick trip into Home Depot and came out with a red umbrella and an umbrella stand. I love to eat outside in the summer and the sun is so bad on our back patio it was near impossible. I am so excited that my family room is starting to look like I want it and we can eat outside this summer. I know I have been saving to get most of the items I bought today but I spent more than I usually do in a year the last 3 days, I love my items but after scrimping and saving for so long it hurt! My husband is going to have a heart attack because as long as he has a tv and couch he doesn't care what is in our family room or if it goes together. That and he thinks I have an obsession with pillows.....and I do!
I finished the day off with dinner with my Mamo and going grocery shopping with her. I now totally understand why she never has anything to eat, she buys weird random items. Tomorrow I am cooking and freezing meals for her. Hope you had a wonderful Monday! |
OH I love your dining room!! Can't wait to see your rug!!
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