Monday, November 29, 2010

Hope You had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

We had a nice little break for Thanksgiving! Thank you Jenifer!

I ignored the mess when we got home....I left the kitchen spotless when we left at least. :) While I unloaded wood and filled our indoor pile up Colin made some Ramen noodles for dinner. Quick and easy and then we caught up on our DVR. Relaxing and nice, we added a fire in the fireplace and the swirling snow outside added ambiance.

Relaxing until this morning anyways.....I wasn't sure where to start. I repriced items for my show Friday, and made a nice list (this is like the 4th one) of items I would like to make this week to add to my stock. I wrote out a game plan and then moved on to laundry. While laundry started I went around the whole house and filled in nail holes in the window ledges. Then ran a coat of paint on one kitchen ledge and painted the caulking around the fireplace.

So now I am taking a quick break before I move on to folding, adding another coat of paint and then go back to making jewelry. It is VERY windy outside and the ground is covered in snow. I really need to run to the grocery store as well but I think that might wait until tomorrow. I think we will have chili tonight as I have all the ingredients on hand to make that. Yum! Hope you have a wonderful week!


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