Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Peppermint Mocha Creamer.....yummmmmmmmmm

I have a huge long list of things to do today and I am sitting here trying to type because our puppy insists he has to sit in my lap. It is makes me think he is part cat because they always want to sit with you when you are busy.

I finished off some more trim painting this morning and am waiting for my coffee to be done so I can add the peppermint mocha creamer I bought. Yesterday I ran and got some groceries and got several delicious flavors. As much as I hated living in Phoenix I miss my work team buying me breakfast and coffee at Starbucks every morning. I miss those delicious drinks! I would hate to think what they spent even in one week on that habit!

So today I am working on new pieces for my show Friday and getting organized. Lucky me gets to run to the craft store to get more ribbon (I ran out for ornaments), cash some checks, and go look for a decent inexpensive Christmas tree. Yea to birthday money that I just deposited, I was saving it for a shopping expedition but I think I might use it for a nice tree. I think I need to wait until this afternoon as I am already behind my daily schedule because I am on here! Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!


Angela Tolsma said...

oh peppermint sounds awesome!! Starbucks drinks are crazy priced!! I figured out what it would cost me for a year it and it scary!!

In liue of your comment regarding my teapot. Mr.'s parents bought it for us. So I have no idea where they got it. But you can get really similar ones at Chapters and Teaopia right now. The ones at Chapters are even better actually because you can push down the leaves so they don't make the tea any strong without taking them out.

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