I have been waiting for today for over a month....
I called U.S. Bank to make our last payment on our Honda Pilot. They will give me the amount but wont let me pay over the phone. Exactly why wouldn't you want my money? Our online account never has the same balance as the mailed bill so I can't use it either! So I now have to wait until the new bill shows up for July! I am not happy because I was SO excited to pay it off today and that we will have NO more car payments! YEA!!!!!

The rest of today is not so exciting...ship out one small order and continue working on the invitations for my sisters bridal shower. I think I went a little over the top trying to do something fun. Each invitation has 4 recipe cards included so guests can bring some of their favorite recipes to share. My sister likes to cook so this seemed like the perfect theme for her. The mother of the groom and my other sister are helping me with food thankfully!
I still have to cut out all the invitations....I should have just sucked it up and bought some. Darn trying to be unique.
We have a FULL weekend!
Tonight Concert
Saturday see one of my best friends that is on leave from the Navy.
Sunday drive my crazy husband to the Bacon Festival in Keystone, CO for another concert with some friends.
Enjoy your weekend! Next weekend we have even more going on! July is going to be a CRAZY month!
I love that you hate banks!! I totally know what you mean! I work in one, we are annoying to deal with!
I LOVE the invitations! So awesome. Going all out will be worth it in the end!
Have fun at the concerts!
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