I thought I might try out a new look again, but I think I might have to go back to my old one. This is just not growing on me. Here are a few things I was working on today. First a shell and kyanite bead earrings and pendant (not pictured) and some amethyst/crystal quartz pieces. I wasn't nearly as productive today as I would have like but we all have those days. Yesterday I debated about using the quicken trial and decided I don't need another program. I revamped my entire book keeping system in excel instead. I started a new way for filing my expenses and income and made a brand new workbook that is easy to use and has everything I need right now.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Almost Friday....I should be in bed!
Posted by Kerrie at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Amethyst, Crystal Quartz, Kyanite
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No Juice Flowing
So I came to "work" today and have no inspiration :( I got all my work related e-mails out of the way and a call to my supplier about some back ordered items I have been waiting on for a wedding. Other than that nothing is coming! And my PMC clay is still not dry! I think we have had too much moisture this week, sorry Krissy!
It's crummy and cold outside and I just keep thinking I need a huge calendar. One to keep track of when I ship orders out and to cross them off when they get there. I also need a new system for keeping track of $ from orders. I am using so many different programs I need a central log. I should create a new spreadsheet in Excel but I am not quite sure how I want it set up. I spent hours doing that when I worked at Chase, but wasting time to get it right for my boss is different than wasting my own time when I have so many other things that need done. My computer came with a free trial of Quicken which I have never used but may try later today just to see if it will work. I normally just use Excel since I can tweak it however I want. :( No easy answers.
Happy Update: I also spoke with my sister about my new website template and logo. She has her last final next Thursday and we are working on it right after that! HUGE sigh of Relief! I need to get this up and running, it not being done is stressing me out. Today I may just work on taking pictures for the website so they are ready once she has created my web makeover. That doesn't take much creativity since I already made a list of whats needed. Hopefully I will be inspired tomorrow.
Posted by Kerrie at 12:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: website
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pajama Green Day
Today has been a busy day. Normally I get up in the morning get ready for "work" and head downstairs. Today I went to work in my pajamas :) I must look a sight though as I also have a head light on. Sounds stupid huh! But I have to tell you it is AWESOME! Colin has one that he uses when we go camping, working on the cars etc. he never puts it away since he is always using it. I figured why not and bought one last week at a sporting store going out of business. I figured it was handy for camping and better than a flashlight as it requires no hands. Even better it provides great light for beading. Its my new best friend!
Anyways I thought I would share some new items I have been making today. First is the button bracelet I talked about yesterday. Today I started working with Rose Quartz and ended up solely with Olive Jade (I just realized my head lamp is the same color). I may need to use Colin's tomorrow for another color inspiration. My PMC clay is almost ready as well :) (PMC clay is precious metal clay, when fired it turns into fine silver). Be prepared for lots of pics.
Posted by Kerrie at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buttons, Olive Jade, Rose Quartz, Serpentine
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oh forgot to add this, I finished it this morning in my new space! It is a custom button bracelet made as a mothers day gift. The gift giver sent me this great mustard yellow button that I really wanted to use but mustard colored buttons are hard to come by so I used the only one I had in my stash and added some yellow toned leopardskin jasper to pull it all together. I love custom orders since they always make me think outside the box. I should have 1 more done for her later today that I am using pearls in. This bracelet looks so much better not squashed and on my wrist!
Posted by Kerrie at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Buttons
I can Finally get some work done!
My mission yesterday to clean the house was a success. I am going to allot 30 minutes each day from now on to work on misc. cleaning so I don't get behind again. But today I can relax and get something done in my newly organized basement studio.
-New folding 6' table
-2 tv stands until I can afford another table (these are going on the garage sale!)
-New ComputerFrom the Front: Straight ahead workspace and tools. Right side is my laptop and lap table for button bracelets and crossweave. Left side is gemstone and sterling storage as well as finished trays.
Back Left side is another chair and my new light box. (I love this!)
Left Side closeup of most of my gemstones, sterling, and pearls.
Posted by Kerrie at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
New Sparkly Button Bracelet
Yesterday I made this! I am not posting it on my website since my sister is supposed to be designing a new template. It is $30 and all buttons were found in CO. I have not found this color in any other states. :( Yesterday Colin and I got our eyes checked since we never use our insurance and our flex savings is overflowing. I also went and looked at some more ideas for my laptop bag. I am now going to pipe it in black and add black leather to the bottom as well as it is getting an extra layer of plastic/foam inside for protection. I can work on it once I have crossed off my cleaning chores.
Posted by Kerrie at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buttons
Friday, April 24, 2009
? Too much for a Title Today
I tried to get on an hour ago but our Internet was not working. After a quick call to Comcast we are back up and running. :)
Posted by Kerrie at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: website
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Flowers for Everyone
Thought I would share some of the blooming in my yard. :) I have to get back to work as I have a TON!
Posted by Kerrie at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stay on Track....Stay on track.....I need to take my own advice :)
I shouldn't even be on here but I have began to realize I normally get a schedule in my head of what I need to be working on everyday when I hop on here. I need to be on here because it seems to be the one constant of my scatterbrained "creating" schedule.
NO Yard work (its not as nice today as yesterday was anyways)
Drop Gunther off to get a haircut (he has an appointment that I scheduled over a week ago)
Make 2 new button bracelets (I have the buttons all laid out, new colors!)
Make 2 new necklaces
Open supply order and put away :) (This may mess up the rest of the list, I get sidetracked)
Laundry (this never ends)
Refill my earring stands
Make up or find a new pattern for Mother's day gifts (I have no clue this year)
Pick up the mess in the craft closet that I made getting the box of paper out to organize
Unload the dishwasher
Prep PMC clay for cross
Take 5 pictures and put on website
And yes I have to throw in the cleaning items or I will forget them! We have such a little house it gets dirty fast but is also fast to clean :) Look forward to some new pictures of jewelry! I am pretty sure that was why I started this blog.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New Typing Dig
I know I was going to save my loot from selling my doll but I got fed up with my computer kicking me out of my programs and locking up. Colin doubled the memory in it only a few weeks ago hoping that would help me but I think its just outdated and old. Silly computer, it wasn't a real nice model when I bought it, my old laptop crashed 5-6? years ago and I needed a computer on a college student budget. My monitor was a hand-me-down from a friend of Colin's until he bought me a flat screen a few years ago. I don't think he liked moving a 17" old HUGE monitor.
Anyways I researched laptops since that was what I have been wanting. I took the plunge and got a new 4G HP with a 6 hour battery life. Colin even got a deal on them taking all the extra junk software off (Best Buy charges $150, we did not pay that!) So I am adding this to my list of priority's, now I can work on my website without getting kicked off and I can install Photoshop and Illustrator again and actually use them. My old computer couldn't handle Photoshop anymore. :( Once I save up a little I am going to take the old computer in and have it cleaned up, I can still use it and save photos so they don't take up space on my new gadget.
I better get to work on new items for sale since I blew all but $250 of the money I made. I need to put some money in our house fund like I promised myself. I also need to find a pattern to make a 17" laptop bag since the cool ones on Etsy cost too much. I have to be cheap somewhere!
Posted by Kerrie at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
The day is too short...or I have to many ambitions?
I just finished raking up piles of yard waste, we still have 3 huge piles of limbs from trimming all the neglected hedges and trees. It has been beautiful today! I haven't gotten any new work done on my website :( well yet. This morning I got 1 jewelry order done and shipped and all of my buttons sorted again and reorganized so I can find each color easily. That took a good chunk of time but will save me so much in the long run.
Posted by Kerrie at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: website
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Buttons done, moving on...
I finally got a few things added to my website! Sigh! After much argument with my computer (it kept kicking me out of 2 different programs) I got all of the button bracelets added with paypal links. YEAH! This process is going to take forever! Colin thinks that I need to get it done for mother's day and he is completely right. Any custom orders that I need to get posted right away though are going on etsy, as it saves time.
Tomorrow I am devoting half my day to custom orders, and the other half to putting items on my website. I wish I was more fluent in creating websites since when I am editing it looks fine and then things move around when its published for others to see. I may have to have my genius sisters that know how to do this help me out. Molly already fixed the contact info. page last week for me. Thanks Molly! I think she might need a surprise thank you. Ideas?
Either way it is a slow process! I am glad that I have other projects to work on as well so I dont burn out.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: website
Friday, April 17, 2009
Beautiful Plants, not so Beautiful Yard
I totally forgot about posting this morning as I was finishing up packaging the last few items for the post office. I am so glad this is over with. Only one more item to mail, hopefully Monday!
Posted by Kerrie at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Last Day for Kerrie's Junk! :)
Today is the LAST day for my ebay items :) I might sell 1 or 2 things here and there again but not 35 all at once. I woke up at about 6:30 this morning and thought I am going to sleep in. I tried, but my phone has been dinging all morning from e-mails. I might have to rethink the whole blackberry thing. That silly woman I mentioned yesterday that wants magic shipping sent me 4 emails just this morning wanting to know where her package was at (I mailed it Tuesday) then she did a 180 and said it arrived and thanks etc. I am SO glad the post office is speedy.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Waffles Waffles Waffles
I am not in the best of moods this morning. Now I have ebayers that think I have magic shipping abilities. I wish! I have one that paid Monday night at 9:26pm (that's what time paypal says) and she has emailed me 4 times asking when its shipping even though I sent her an email at 4:00pm yesterday that it was mailed. And I am not talking super nice requests about shipping. I only charged $3.50 to ship it, give me a break. Sigh, sorry! I am not sure how people do that full time, it explains the feedback I have gotten when I pay right away and don't ask questions. They must be thrilled.
Posted by Kerrie at 9:49 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Christmas in Spring
I woke up this morning to SNOW on the ground. Isn't it supposed to be spring? The tulips I have sprouting up all over including in the middle of my yard think so.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
High Hopes....Reality is Higher :)
So even with all the continuing stupid questions I keep getting about my items on ebay I am THRILLED. Remember when I was excited that I could recover my chair and then even more excited when I hit $540? We have exceeded that, and I am just astounded! I am $7 away from $1000 (yes your eyes read that right). YEAH! I do not think that this is teaching me a lesson for keeping things though.
Now I am confused at what to do with my new fortune. There are so many places it can go, too many in fact. So I have decided that I am saving $300 to recover my chair. This is more than it needs, but since I know Colin will make me keep my new furniture until I die I am going for exactly for what I want. It may be pricey $$$, and the rest is going towards our house fund. Colin told me to save it for something I wanted since it was my stuff but I want to stop moving around the U.S. most and get a house right? I do, I would just like my chair not looking so sad when we get there :)
Well I am off to mail a few boxes and then I will be back to finish my custom orders and start packaging those up. Happy Monday!
P.S.-There is ONE pepper in sight! Last night I realized that I used some leftover soil on the pepper container (not the same as in
all the others) it must not have as much good stuff in it. I may need to start the peppers over :( I'll give them a few days though.
Posted by Kerrie at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Junk Junk Junk
I am super stoked today about how well the bids are going on my doll's accessories etc. I am above $500 right now! YEAH! Ok I will be calm now :) When I checked my ebay account this morning it just made my day. Now I am torn, I wanted to put it in savings for my new furniture but in October we are going to Vegas for my friend Joyce's wedding. And no we can't cut out that cost as I am a bridesmaid and I know she needs all the support I can throw at her for numerous reasons.
1)Even on her tough days she is one of the strongest people I know.
2)She is always there to listen, she is one of those people you meet and just click with.
3)None of the guys she has dated have been worthy, but I like Scott a lot. He is really good for her in so many ways.
4)She keeps beating this cancer and I know how much pain in many areas of her life it has caused and she is still smiling.
5)She is my family and I will always be there like a family is supposed to be. I hope hers realizes that some day.
Sorry that was slightly depressing but that's what been on my mind after I talked to her last night. I am super excited to see her when we are in Kansas for a week before Lexi's wedding.Here is a photo of my mini greenhouse this morning, the plants pushed off the lid this morning. Still no peppers though :( I am going to plant some more using some cheap helpful hints from MrBrownThumbs blog. He has great information, and next time I need seeds I am using his recommendations.
I know I am supposed to be working on those custom orders and I have been but today I think I am going to try this. 320 Sycamores blog had used this idea for her gorgeous wall art with plates. I am going to decorate some hard boiled eggs for our neighbor lady next door (her grandson is coming tomorrow). This looks so much neater than just dying them. By the way I learned Modpodge is not toxic so it wont hurt to eat them if the egg was cracked when I made it, I don't think that would taste good though.
Gunther needs a haircut BAD, he looks like a real Silky Terrier which he is but Colin and I think he looks like he is wearing a dress when his hair gets too long. This is not a very good picture of that effect though. He also doesn't look quite so sad with short hair. Hopefully I can get that accomplished with my other items, I am on hold right now. Wait they cant get him in until April 20th, we have to call another place :(
My dresser drawers are on hold for the week, I am not going to mess with them at all until everything else is done. I am not happy with the 5th coat and I am going to strip it and try other options. I have to set some kind of goals/guidelines and that is the one thing I can cut out :( that means my clothes stay in piles. I better get off here and start working.
Posted by Kerrie at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Super Cucumbers
The lack of sun didn't seem to phase those cucumbers but alas I still have no peppers. I hope I don't have to buy any garden plants.....I was trying to stray away from that so I would have more $ for flowers.
Oh I need to get going on my website as well, my sister called and yelled at me to get moving. I still don't have any pictures or links yet. :( I definitely bit off more than I can chew this week. Next week is going to be worse due to this weeks side effects. I give up, I am not a focused person. At least not at sticking to just one thing going on, lets face it I would be bored with my life. This mess is just who I am! :)
Posted by Kerrie at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Slow Moving
Well I didn't get moving as early as I wanted this morning but when you stay up until almost 2 am that's what you should expect. That and I haven't been drinking tons of coffee today. I really wanted to share my Easter tree, the eggs are all hand painted from my trip to Germany about 8-9 years ago. This is one of the few items of my large mass of junk I am keeping.
Posted by Kerrie at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Rambling.....I can't sleep
I can't seem to sleep yet I am exhausted. I started the whole ebay thing this morning, wait yesterday morning and have been working at it off and on all day. I drank over half a pot of coffee by myself. It juiced me up so I managed to get the dresser drawer stained again, 3 is still not enough coats. I also managed to get almost all of my items on ebay, I will finish up with posting about 3 more and then I should be done until I have to ship. That is going to be a nightmare since I have over 30 listings right now.
Good news is that right now I have enough in bids to recover my side chair to coordinate with the new couches I am saving for. I really don't like the black leather one we have but nothing is wrong with it :( I still am getting bombarded with questions and today one was interesting. The bidder wanted to know if I would sell her the item for $60.00 plus shipping! (She didn't want to bid) I had not set it up for a Buy It Now and once someone bids you can't change the listing. Oh well she is out of luck, too bad because I would have done it since right now the bid is only $5.00 but it has 19 people watching. I really hope it sells for that much. By the way it is only a single outfit with a hat, slipper shoes, and a doll size life preserver. CRAZY!
Once I am not supposed to be sleeping I will post a new picture of my mini greenhouse, it grew so much during the day! The only thing not sprouting yet is my jalapenos and mini bell peppers. Maybe they will be peeking out when I get out of bed, that is if I go.
I accomplished something even greater today, my friend Mandy showed me how to skateboard on a long board! I didn't fall once! That is amazing for me so I have to gloat a little as I am not skilled in riding a bike, rollerblading, or things like skateboarding etc. I never really fully learned how to do any of those things since we lived on a dirt road and I had a horse. Next week we are going to break out the Rollerblades Colin bought me almost 2 years ago that I have never tried (he also bought me knee pads, wrist guards, elbow pads, etc.) I think I scare him! I know I did last time I went flying over my handlebars on my bike. Maybe I just need a helmet :) Either way that excites me to be trying new things and not killing myself!
P.S.-FedEx claims my supplies will be here tomorrow (wait today) sometime so I better get to bed so I can get up super early and get things done so I can start making those special orders. Goodnight/Good morning since it is almost 1am pacific time.
Posted by Kerrie at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
To being Focused....Good Luck!
Well I thought I might add a quick note before the day gets going and I don't have time to get on here. I finally got another coat on one dresser drawer last night and a few more things added on ebay.
If I have not added the combined shipping option on ebay it is really not an option for buyers is it? Well unless I as the seller decide that it is possible. (I had too many strange shaped items and then dresses to sell, offering combined shipping would make me lose a ton of money.) I have one goofy lady that keeps e-mailing me about checking on cheaper shipping and combining items. I can not combine a book that is 30"x 30"x 4" it wont fit with other items! What I put for shipping is what I want paid, I do have to find a box to fit that in. My time is not free, Right! Anyways I might combine some smaller items for her but not all of them. I went off the shipping costs on the same items sold by others, mine are usually lower by the way. I may not want to do this again after it is all over. Oh, right now she has outbid everyone on everything I am selling, I'm not sure if that is good or not.Sorry for the rant. Happy News/thoughts, or waffles as my sister would say. When I got up this morning I saw I have a few more sprouts :) Several Zinnia's, Snow Peas, and one lone Cucumber has peeked up. Yum!
P.S.-The drawer most likely needs at least one more coat probably 2 more to be the color I would like. My furniture is all really dark wood, and this is the darkest Minwax stain they sell but Walnut doesn't draw it in very well since it is such a hard wood. Either way the color is turning out nicer than the old stain which I am not a fan. Of course I have been to cheap and short on time to change it in the last 5 years. Once I get the drawer done I will post before and after photos.
Posted by Kerrie at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I am so NOT focused!!!!!
So that whole staying focused thing I mentioned in January, today I blew it big time. So far this week I have taken 2 drawers out of my dresser to refinish them. My socks and similar items are on top of my dresser and all of my undergarments are living in a chair in my office. So today instead of putting another coat of stain on the drawer I am testing I decided to research selling my American Girl items. Bad, Bad, Bad, idea!
Posted by Kerrie at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Spring is here....it has to be!
Well I haven't been posting much as I still am not back up to full speed. I figured that once I got out of my parents house my allergies would dissipate but now I just have an awful cold. :(
When the plane was landing Tuesday I was not so thrilled to see snow coming down, and of course it continued the rest of the week. This weekend has been gorgeous though! I got one new flower bed in my back yard all ready and the front beds cleaned out. I am still wondering about several others that are in sad shape but might need some $ (materials) since they have been neglected for so long. Since we will be on our way moving again once this job is over I hate to put much into them other than plants. It adds up so fast and I am already close to my total budget since I had to buy a new hose head, shovels, rake, etc. since all of my gardening and yard items were stolen. Hopefully my garage sale will help me out with this issue since I still need a fair amount of things. Luckily the old tenant left me some large pots to add to the few I have left. :)
Posted by Kerrie at 12:22 PM 1 comments