Today is the LAST day for my ebay items :) I might sell 1 or 2 things here and there again but not 35 all at once. I woke up at about 6:30 this morning and thought I am going to sleep in. I tried, but my phone has been dinging all morning from e-mails. I might have to rethink the whole blackberry thing. That silly woman I mentioned yesterday that wants magic shipping sent me 4 emails just this morning wanting to know where her package was at (I mailed it Tuesday) then she did a 180 and said it arrived and thanks etc. I am SO glad the post office is speedy.
Yesterday I went and took Colin out to lunch, he was kind of down in spirits and needed a smile. Then I went and got a few new pretty plant pots (I had to give some away in Phoenix since only a few plants fit in my car, moving companies wont move plants). I also started a few more seeds, more bell peppers and more z
innias. They are residing in some egg cartons that MrBrownThumb had suggested on his blog.
Since ebay is not consuming me I got 7 items done yesterday for custom orders. 2 need soldering but I am getting there. I wish they had all been done last week, since they should have been! But they will all most likely be done by Saturday. Huge sigh of relief, I hate being behind but I haven't felt super creative in that area and one thing I know about myself is that nothing turns out right if I force it.
Next week then I am going to try and get some snazzy pictures on my website, its neglected! And I hopefully can take AWESOME photos with my light box to help. Oh I guess I need to figure out that dilemma with my dressers. Its not bothering me as much since I took all the socks off the top and put them in a box in the closet. Now its only half as messy. :0 Happy Thursday! And Linda I think I might just have that ice cream on my waffles today!
P.S.-Sorry the last paragraph blends in with the previous one, I keep fixing it and it keeps moving back up. Yesterday it did the same thing :(
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