I woke up this morning to SNOW on the ground. Isn't it supposed to be spring? The tulips I have sprouting up all over including in the middle of my yard think so.
I also have several peppers, well jalapenos. There still are no bell peppers :( I really want those because they are great for grilling in the summer. Yum!

I also bought a new dress yesterday for Lexi's wedding. I splurged and went to Black House/White Market since I am doing so well with my ebay sales. Here is a picture that is not very good since I am holding it at the same time, but you get the idea. I love their clothes but they are super pricey (also exceptional quality and workmanship).
Since I have a dress now I just need to make sure Gunther has the right paperwork and shots and we are ready for our trip. Gunther is flying home with us because it was going to be over $400 to leave him here and its only $200 to take him with us. That and he wont eat when we are gone. I'm not sure if it because he gets depressed or that he is afraid to eat from someone else (he wont take treats etc. from other people unless Colin and I are around) If anyone reading doesn't know, our dog is a celiac which means he cant eat wheat. He used to be able to tolerate some treats with wheat (before we figured out why he kept getting sick) but now he cant have anything. I spend more time reading labels for our dogs food/treats than I do on our food. Luckily his food isn't much more than other dog foods but unless I buy treats on sale they are not cheap. Who would have thought that would happen when you get a dog.
P.S.-Ebay has gone over $1100 :) :) :) Now I need to stop dancing around with excitement and get back to work.
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