I just finished raking up piles of yard waste, we still have 3 huge piles of limbs from trimming all the neglected hedges and trees. It has been beautiful today! I haven't gotten any new work done on my website :( well yet. This morning I got 1 jewelry order done and shipped and all of my buttons sorted again and reorganized so I can find each color easily. That took a good chunk of time but will save me so much in the long run.
I am just about to organize my paper, stamping, and scrap booking items since I got a brand new huge rolling tote for $4 at a garage sale. I cant find anything in my
craft closet since it is such a mess. I don't work well with my tools being messy or not put away (Colin!) He always borrows things such as sandpaper, nail punch, pliers, glue, or my leather punch which is still gone, and he doesn't put them back or he puts them in his boxes. He has bought me several nice tool boxes though and hasn't stolen them for himself so I guess he is entitled. He also built a workbench in the garage this weekend, I think it was for him(that's what it looks like already) but I am stealing half of it for my planting items. So I guess I can live with him taking my tools, as he shares his.
I need to get so much done with my website and making some new items for another jewelry party that I spaced on my mini greenhouse. The peas are all tangled and a mess, I should be out in the yard tilling up a spot for them. I think I need to put that off until Wednesday though, it is not my first priority.
I made myself a priority list and that didn't even make the cut.
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